Monday, October 6, 2008

(Practically) Counting the Hours

Less than two days from now, I'll be out of town.

No, I'm not going to Hawaii or Mexico or any other exotic locale.
I'm just heading south with my daughter;
driving down to Seattle to visit friends,
shop for Cami's dress for the winter dance,
and then hit an LC football game (in Friday Harbor, of all places) on the way home.

A long time ago, the fam marked these dates off for an outing,
but plans fell through, and Cami and I were able to
take advantage of the days off of school to have an adventure.

What a blessing that we ENJOY spending time together,
can't wait for it, in fact.
And knowing that two years from now,
she'll likely be away somewhere at college,
I'm just savoring every moment of mom-and-Cami time.

So, let's see...I think we're down to about 42 hours...
and 17 minutes...
and 38...37...36...35 seconds...
but who's counting?!



Tamara said...

love, love, love it! have so much fun... i wish i could join you! :)

Mark and Kels said...

super excited with you!

Ross and Taya said...

Have a blast together!