Saturday, February 2, 2008

You Won't Believe What I Did This Morning

Let me give a little disclaimer at the outset: This post will only make sense to those who know my family reasonably well. My apologies.

So...what I did...

I dropped Nate off at school this morning. Yes, I know it's Saturday.

I dropped Nate off so he could go to his first chess tournament today.

All day.

8 AM until he gets dropped off at home at 6:30 PM.

Released to the chess coach.
Riding in a van for 25 minutes with the other middle school players.
Riding in a van for 25 minutes with some high school players.
Checking in at the tournament; at a place he's never been before.
5 rounds of chess.
Downtime with kids from other schools in between rounds.
Awards ceremony.
Carrying money in his pocket.
Buying his own pizza for lunch.
Stopping for fast food with the team on their way home.

Nate WANTED to go.

He knew that all of the above would be involved.

He knew that his best friend, Logan, would not be going.

He knew there would be no sleeping in today.

He knew he would be gone ALL day.

And he WANTED to go.

No hesitation.
No fear.
No anxiety.

He's just doing it.

And mom is fine. Flabbergasted, but fine.

My boy is coming into his own,
And we are amazed
And grateful.

To all of you who have come alongside our Nate,
who have loved him and helped him,
who have joked around with him,
and kept running conversations with him over months and years:
This is your triumph too.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.