Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tag - I'm "It"

If you're on my blog as a result of Tam's "tag", here's what you're looking for...

.5 You may or may not already know the basics about me...avid reader, love football, grew up on a dairy farm, turned 40 this year, married with 3 kids, employed PT at church. OK...

1. I've never been water-skiing, wake-boarding or inner-tubing behind a boat. Moving along water at high speeds and wearing very little protection does not sound like a good time to me.

2. I have a thing for valleys. Some people like the ocean or the mountains; I'm always enchanted by valleys. Don't know why, particularly, they just please my eye. Disclaimer: I'm NOT excited about valleys if they're deep and begin immediately past the shoulder of the road!

3. I love pickled beets. Especially my mom's homemade ones. YUMMMMMMM! My husband and children think I'm weird (for this - haha).

4. If I had extra money laying around, I'd buy myself a really nice camera. I'm fascinated by the possibilities of communicating through images and hope to learn more someday.

5. Whether or not they deserve it, I irrationally dislike the Dallas Cowboys and Pittsburgh Steelers.

6. At age 11, I competed in a national track meet - the ARCO Jesse Owens Games. I finished in fourth place in the long jump, just out of the medals. I also met Jesse Owens. WAY cool. Side note...the other famous people I've met are Tom Landry (ironic, considering my dislike of the Cowboys) and Tom Brokaw (well, Jim and I shared an elevator with Tom Brokaw, I guess we didn't really "meet" him).

7. Perfect weather: clear skies, 75 degrees and a slight breeze, or clear skies, 35 degrees, sunny, crisp and cold.

So now you know. Thanks for the tag, Tam. This was fun. I don't know how to tag and link the other people (maybe that should be point #7.6 "I am technologically challenged but improving"); maybe my computer-genius husband can help me and I'll pass the tag along. :)

Happy day, all.