Friday, May 30, 2008


Two hours and nine minutes ago, I turned 40.

I feel like I should be waxing philosophical
and reflecting on life...


I just finished my "employed-outside-the-home"
work for the week,
my house is relatively clean,
I have some new books from Barnes and Noble,
and I reallly have no desire to be sitting in front of the computer.

I will tell you about being forty...later.
there's partying to do! :)

Monday, May 26, 2008


Four days and one hour ago, my second-born turned 14.

My quiet one
with the dry sense of humor.
The one whose eyes sparkled as a 5-year-old kindergartener when the teacher would tell jokes that flew high over the other kids' heads.

the inventor, player and collector of games.
The reader of manuals.
The home-body.
The content one.
The lover of all things historical and geographical.

The master of wordplay.
My least verbal one, who, ironically, has contributed the most to the family vocabulary.
"Circle try" = motorcycle
"Magic Chowder" = powdered sugar
Et al.
A typical Sean exchange a number of years ago:
Mom "Wow. That was a huge bird. I wonder if it was an eagle or a hawk."
Sean "It was a hawk. I didn't see it, but it was a hawk."

My sleep talker.
Camping trips are always interesting, when we all sleep in close proximity to one another. Invariably a classic Sean-sleep-talking line emerges such as:

The one little kids LOVE.
It's a gift, most surely.
I continually marvel when this boy is around little kids;
he's literally a KID MAGNET.
They climb on him, hug him, want him when they're hurt.
He makes them giggle like nobody's business.
The little ones know he's one cool kid.

The musician.
The guitar was your salvation in 7th grade (thank you Mr. Smit),
and now I can't believe the sounds that emanate from your room
as your fingers fly across the strings.

The complex and quietly amazing one.
Not many people get to see how tender is your heart
and how much you despise injustice in the world.
Your creativity is not easily quantifiable, but it is THERE.
I think you're a closet Renaissance Man
and it will take a long time for the world to see and appreciate your special brand of sweet ingenuity.

You're the hardest of our three kids to characterize,
because of your many subtleties.
And therein lies the beauty of Sean:
We get to keep discovering more and more of you.

Happy 14th Seany J.
You are loved.