Saturday, March 29, 2008

Really, really?

Did I really send my 13 year-old off to California this week?
Without me...or Jim...or any other immediate family members?
I did.
Really, really.

Did he really fly on an airplane,
with his school group,
share a Bible verse with all of them,
go to Alcatraz,
the Exploratorium,
Pier 39,
Stanford U.,
the GGB,
and Monterey Bay Aquarium?

Did he
manage his money,
buy his own meals,
keep track of his wallet,
manage not to lose any clothes (or other necessities),
buy souvenirs,
take good notes,
shoot some pictures,
learn a lot,
make good memories,
and store up
great stories to tell?

We'll find out at 1:30 AM tomorrow.
We'll see if (and how) he did it.
Really, really.