Thursday, October 9, 2008

On the Road

Am writing from the lobby of a Hampton Inn.
Cami and I are having a wonderful adventure.

Wednesday night and this morning with the Wilkenings.
Shopping this afternoon.
Dinner at Cheesecake Factory.
More shopping.
THE dress found and purchased.
Now settled at the hotel...TV, magazines and a dip in the hot tub.

Good times. Girl times.
I'm surprised we still have our voices...
we've been talking almost non-stop.

Tomorrow, football.

Woo hoo!!!

My husband is awesome for holding down the fort while
we shop and explore and bond. Thanks a ton, sweetie.

1 comment:

Les Hon said...

Fun, fun, fun!!!! I'm so glad you got to do this...and kudos to your hubby too! : )