Friday, October 17, 2008

Best Game E-VER.

I thought LC's OT football win at Friday Harbor last week
was the most exciting game I'd been to in ages.
Well, that was small stuff compared to tonight...
tonight's was maybe the best game ever.

On another occasion, you may see more scintillating offense.
Or more dominating defense.
Or improbable interceptions.
Or whatever.

But this win was all about context.
On their home field.
At their homecoming game.
Wet turf, rain, gusty breezes.
A 6-year drought against this opponent.
LC seniors who, in one player's words,
"Were sick of getting beaten by Meridian".

There was no question that the seniors
led this effort:
it was like watching a completely different team
than the first time LC met Meridian this fall.

And tonight, they WON.

The LC defense held,
and held,
and held...
for 6 interminable minutes at the end of the game.
They bent but never broke.
And with, literally, one second remaining,
the outcome was finally decided.

To the O-line for protecting the quarterback
(amidst the mud, his jersey was still white at the end of the game),
and for busting Niels loose on those two awesome TD runs
to start the game.

To the D-line for tracking down the Trojan runners
with tenacity, and then wrapping them up.

To the D-backs for containing the Trojan receivers
and breaking up numerous pass plays.

To Special Teams for your best return coverage of the season.

To the coaches for some unbelievably gutsy play-calling
(namely the two-point conversion).

To Joey for being the gigantic target with soft hands
that made the two-pointer work.

To David G. for staying on his feet on the final kick-off return
and putting room between our offense's backsides and the end zone.

To all the offensive players that kept the ball moving up the field.

And to the LC fans who got on their feet
and made a whole bunch of noise
to cheer our boys on to give their all.
And that's just what they did;
they truly left it all on the field.
No regrets.

So, maybe instead of calling this the best game ever,
I should call it
"the best game...YET".
Who knows what could happen next week?!

I'm so happy for all of you guys.
WAY TO GO, fellas.

1 comment:

Les Hon said...

TOTALLY COOL!!!Thanks for calling me with the if only I had remembered my phone was off, I could have been the first to give the news to the scrapbooking LC fans! : (