Monday, January 12, 2009

Blank Slate

I can't believe it;
my Monday is a blank slate.

No more Christmas shopping to accomplish
or events to prepare for.

No returns to make.

No snow or floods
and the accompanying delays or cancellations
of school.

No children vomiting.

No appointments.

Laundry completely caught up;
not even any loads left to fold.

House clean.

And I am rested and have some energy.

So Weird.

But soooooooo awesome!!!

1 comment:

Tamara said...

congrats for you! take some well-deserved "meg time" - or you could come to my house. i have lots of laundry to wash, dry and fold. bathrooms to clean. a house to dust. and i have a still a little-bit-sick kiddo who wants constant attention. and a sick husband who stayed home from work today. and a whopping head cold myself. ugh. yeah. i guess my life is just the opposite of yours today!